Supporting instruction videos and reference information
The training manuals tries to describe each step, each task to be taken during the course in such a way that it explains the reader what to do. To support that the description includes a small video that shows the task. This supporting video is displayed in a toggle pop-up, indicated with the expand button . Pressing the button will expand the pop-up to show its content. pressing the button when expanded, will collapse it again. See the example below.
Switch to the Fixture Builder workbench.
The popup may include an information button . Pressing that button opens a page with specific reference information about the user interface, functionality or object on which the task focuses.
In the top right menu of the page, in front of the navigation arrows, you will find the switch , to expand or collapse all toggle pop-ups that are on the page.
F1 Help
Full explanation of a specific command or function, or on an object in the 3D space can be found in the integrated Help pages of the software. To open the corresponding page, hover over the command button or 3D object and press the -key on the keyboard.
Notes and warnings
In between the text the reader can be informed about some issues or remarks that need some extra attention.
The information symbol in front of a line or text block indicates a note or remark with some additional, or special information about the topic or task.
The warning symbol in front of a line or text block indicates a note or remark informing about some limitation, restriction or other crucial information.
Training course data
The data that is being used in this course can be found at the Cenit portal in the link below. Navigate to the required training course and download the training material package.
Component library
The course may also use standard (workcell) manufacturing equipment, such as robots or machines. The software delivers such equipment of many worldwide vendors, collected in a component library. This library can be downloaded from:
The library can be copied to any location on your system. The folder structure, as well as the content of the folder can be updated, extended and modified at any time to own needs or preferences.
In the installation path of the software there is a configuration file FASTSUITE_E2.exe.config. Open the file in a text editor and search for the line:
To enable the library, the path where it has been copied to needs to be inserted here.