Installation & administration

Session data recording

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Data recording

To improve usage, performance and other important behavior of the application, with the release of R2023.2 the system collects data of the running FASTSUITE Edition 2 session. This data is recorded completely anonymous.

In the General settings the user can allow or deny the recording.


The recorded data will be sent encrypted via HTTPS to Microsoft Application Insights

Local storage of recoded data

When the Internet or the endpoint cannot be reached, then the recorded data is stored in ...\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ApplicationInsights. But these files are unreadable. More information can be found in the link below.

What data is recorded?

The following data of the session is recorded:

Used Hardware:

PageParagraph_8 CPU

PageParagraph_8 GPU

PageParagraph_8 GPU driver

PageParagraph_8 RAM

PageParagraph_8 Windows Version

PageParagraph_8 Country (Set country in Windows settings)

Data about Edition 2:

PageParagraph_8 Language set in application

PageParagraph_8 Application version

PageParagraph_8 Application license configuration

PageParagraph_8 Duration of session

Recorded events:


PageParagraph_8 Start of E2

PageParagraph_8 Exit of E2 and Exit-Code

PageParagraph_8 Occurrence of crashes/software errors

PageParagraph_8 Opening and closing dashboards, as well as the duration of how long it was opened.

PageParagraph_8 Current active technology

PageParagraph_8 Active micro-environment

PageParagraph_8 Active workspace and duration of how long one was working in it

PageParagraph_8 Loading of a scenario (scenario or document itself not, only the fact that one is loaded is recorded)

PageParagraph_8 New document


PageParagraph_8 Opening of settings and duration how long they were open:

PageParagraph_8 General settings

PageParagraph_8 Material editor

PageParagraph_8 Color settings

PageParagraph_8 External device settings

PageParagraph_8 Keyboard settings

PageParagraph_8 Additional paths (without duration)

PageParagraph_8 Enabling/disabling display filters.

PageParagraph_8 Resetting the keyboard shortcuts

PageParagraph_8 Turn off data logging (assuming it was turned on before)

PageParagraph_8 Switching on/off the 3D-HeadUp


PageParagraph_8 Use of a keyboard shortcut and which

PageParagraph_8 Using the F1-Help

PageParagraph_8 Multipoint/three-point/least square calibration


PageParagraph_8 Starting a simulation

PageParagraph_8 Start a partial simulation

PageParagraph_8 Pause a simulation

PageParagraph_8 Step forward/backward

PageParagraph_8 Reset

PageParagraph_8 Opening the simulation settings

PageParagraph_8 Switching on/off the collision check

PageParagraph_8 Switching process simulation on/off

PageParagraph_8 Switching trace on/off

PageParagraph_8 Execution of Python scripts

PageParagraph_8 Touch Sensing calculation

PageParagraph_8 APO (Automatic Path Optimization) calculation

PageParagraph_8 Side tangent calculation

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