class AttributeValueUnitType(IntEnum):
Standard,#measured in nothing
Length,#measured in meter (float/double)
Mass,#measured in kilogram (float/double)
Time,#measured in seconds (float/double)
Area, #measured in m^2 (float/double)
Volume, #measured in m^3 (float/double)
Density, #measured in kg/m^3 (float/double)
Speed,#measured in m/s (float/double)
Power,#measured in Watt=kg*m^2/s^3 (float/double)
Energy,#measured in Joule=Newton-meter=kg*m^2/s^2 (float/double)
Force,#measured in Newton=kg*m/s^2 (float/double)
Pressure,#measured in Pascal=kg/(m*s^2) (float/double)
Frequency,#measured in Hertz=1/s (float/double)
Temperature,#measured in Kelvin (float/double)
LuminousIntensity,#measured in Candela (float/double)
Luminance,#measured in cd/m^2 (float/double)
Angle,#measured in degree (float/double)
Acceleration,#measured in m/s^2 (float/double)
ElectricCurrent,#measured in Ampere (float/double)
ElectricCharge,#measured in Coulomb=A*s (float/double)
ElectricResistance,#measured in Ohm=kg*m^2/(A^2*s^3) (float/double)
ElectricCapacity,#measured in Farad=s^4*A^2/(m^2*kg) (float/double)
Voltage,#measured in Volt=kg*m^2/(A*s^3) (float/double)
MagneticFlux,#measured in Weber=kg*m^2/(A*s^2) (float/double)
MagneticField,#measured in Tesla=kg/(A*s^2) (float/double)
Induction,#measured in Henry=kg*m^2/(A^2*s^2) (float/double)
AngularSpeed,#measured in rad/s (float/double)
AngularAcceleration,#measured in rad/s^2 (float/double)
Percent, #measured in percent
FlowRate, #measured in cubic meters per second (m3/s)
Color # Possible sub-type of int array attribute (where R, G and B values are stored in the int array)