SetOlpProperty(iOlpProperty: unsigned int)
OLP attribute use level. Is a bitmask and can be a combination of one ore more levels. (see Attribute use level )
Sets Olp Property of attribute.
visibility status from attribute
Get visibility status of attribute.
SetVisibility (visible: bool)
visibility status to attribute
Set visibility status of attribute.
current name of the attribute
Get name of attribute.
name = myAttrib.GetName()
new name for the attribute
Set name of attribute.
Checks if attribute is valid.
if myAttrib.IsValid():
# Attrib is OK
SetReadOnly(readOnly: bool)
if attribute should be read only
Sets read only status of attribute.
read only status of attribute
Gets read only status of attribute.
isReadOnly = myAttrib.GetReadOnly()
myAttrib.SetReComputeEnterState( ENTERSTATE_COMPLETE )
GetReComputeEnterState(): Int
reComputeEnterState = myAttrib.GetReComputeEnterState()
number of columns (inclusive new one)
Adds a new column to the table attribute.
amountColumns = myTable.AddColumn("ID", COLUMNTYPE_STRING)
number of rows (inclusive new one)
Adds new row to the table attribute. Cells will be filled with default values. (int: 0; double: 0.0; bool: false; string: "")
amountRows = myTable.AddRow()
number of column to get the type of
Gets the type of a specific column.
typeOfFirstColumn = myTable.GetColumnType(0)
GetColumnName(columnNumber: int): string
number of column to get the name of
Gets the name of a specific column.
nameOfFirstColumn = myTable.GetColumnName(0)
Get the number of columns of the table attribute.
amountColumns = myTable.GetColumnSize()
Get the number of rows of the table attribute.
amountRows = myTable.GetRowSize()
GetCell(columnNumber: int, rowNumber: int): object
value of specific cell (int, double, bool or string)
Gets value of a specific cell.
valueOfFirstRowAndColumn = myTable.GetCell(0,0)
SetCell(columnNumber: int, rowNumber: int, value: object)
value for specific cell (int, double, bool or string)
Sets value of a specific cell. Value has to be the same type as the column.
GetCellType(columnNumber: int, rowNumber: int): ColumnType
Gets type of a specific cell.
typeOfCell = myTable.GetCellType(0,0)
SetImportScriptName(importScriptName: string)
Python file name for script to import table values
Sets importScriptName of table attribute.
SetExportScriptName(exportScriptName: string)
Python file name for script to export table values
Sets exportScriptName of table attribute.
SetImportFilePath(importFilePath: string)
Path to a file which should be imported
Sets importFilePath of table attribute.
GetImportFilePath(): string
Path to a file which should be imported
Gets importFilePath of table attribute.
importFilePath = myTable.GetImportFilePath()
GetRowNumberById(id: string): int
Gets row index of table attribute where the ID matches the row ID. If there is no row with the given ID then -1 will be returned.
rowNumber = myTable.GetRowNumberById("ID")
GetRowValuesById(id: string): list
List with all objects/values of the specific row
Gets all values of the specific row with the given ID of the table attribute.
values = myTable.GetRowValuesById("ID")
GetRowValues(rowIndex: int): list
List with all objects/values of the specific row
Gets all values of the specific row of the table attribute.
values = myTable.GetRowValues(0)
DeleteRow(rowIndex: int)
Deletes row at the given index.
Deletes all rows of the table attribute.
Deletes whole content of table, rows and columns.
SetTableIconName(tableIconName: string)
Name of icon for table attribute
Sets icon name of table attribute.
GetTableIconName(): string
Icon name of table attribute
Gets icon name of table attribute.
iconName = myTable.GetTableIconName()
Number of a specific column
Attribute type of this column
Gets attribute type of column.
type = myTable.GetColumnValueType(0)
Number of a specific column
Attribute type of this column
Gets attribute type of cell.
type = myTable.GetCellValueType(0,0)