The object of the CENPyOlpEvent_PEOperatorUpload class is passed to the PostProcessAttributesUpload callback as a parameter.
It can be used to obtain the required operators within the scope of the PostProcessAttributesUpload callback in the script file, located in the folder of the plugin.
PostProcessAttributesUpload is inherited from PostProcessAttributes.
def PostProcessAttributesUpload(eventPeOperatorUpload):
attribCreator = eventPeOperatorUpload.GetOperationAttribCreator()
mat = eventPeOperatorUpload.CreateMatrix()
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Object of CENPyOlpPoint class
point = eventPeOperatorUpload.CreatePoint(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
CreateVector(x: CENPyOlpTpElement, y: float, z: float): CENPyOlpVector
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Object of CENPyOlpVector class
vector = eventPeOperatorUpload.CreateVector(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Toolpath element to set matrix
State to set matrix to
new Matrix
vector = eventPeOperatorUpload.SetComputationStateMatrix(tpe, state, newMatrix)
attribGetter = eventPeOperatorUpload.GetAttribGetter()
attribSetter = eventPeOperatorUpload.GetAttribSetter()
logOperator = eventPeOperatorUpload.GetLoggerOperator()
pos = eventPeOperatorUpload.GetRefToolpathElementPosition()
GetCurrentToolFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentToolframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameIndex = Operator.GetCurrentToolFrameIndex()
GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentBaseframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameIndex = Operator.GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex()
Returns the matrix of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentToolframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameMatrix = Operator.GetCurrentToolFrameMatrix()
Returns the matrix of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentBaseframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameMatrix = Operator.GetCurrentBaseFrameMatrix()