The object of the CENPyOlpEventRuleOperator class is passed to the PostExecute callback as a parameter.
It can be used to obtain the required operators within the scope of the PostExecute callback in the script file, located in the folder of the plugin.
def PostExecute(reo):
tpes = reo.FindTpElementsByType(EVENTPROCESS_INPROCESS)
for x in tpes:
attribGetter = reo.GetAttribGetter()
attribSetter = reo.GetAttribSetter()
logger = reo.GetLoggerOperator()
currentPGoperator = reo.GetCurrentProcessGeometryOperator()
This method does not return elements of given EventProcessType but it returns
those elements where it is possible to attach events of given EventProcessType.
tpes = reo.FindTpElementsByType(EVENTPROCESS_INPROCESS)
Method returns olp toolpath elements fitting to positions in given array by taking given tolerance into account
list = [0.25, 0.75]
tpesPos = reo.FindTpElementsByPositions(list, 0.1)
for x in tpes:
myMat = x.GetMatrix()
Method returns olp toolpath elements fitting given request id
tpes = reo.FindTpElementsByType(INT_ID)
Given technology request id - originally passed through by technology
list of CENPyOlpTpElement objects found
Method returns olp toolpath elements fitting given technology request id
tpes = reo.FindTpeByTechRequestId(INT_ID)
SetActiveEvent(index: int)
Set the active event by the list index.
Adds event to toolpath element