Evaluates unreachable situations of the robot or machine.
Good or invalid.
The evaluation against this criteria is always being performed.
Evaluates collision situations.
Good or invalid.
The evaluation against this criteria is only being executed when the Collision analysis switch in the simulation player toolbar has been activated.
Evaluates singularity situations of the robot or machine.
Good or invalid.
The evaluation against this criteria is always being performed.
Process angle deviation
Evaluates the process angle deviation from its reference value.
Angle ranges from good to invalid.
Tool angle deviation
(arc welding technology)
Evaluates the tool angle deviation from its reference value.
Angle ranges from good to invalid.
Travel angle deviation
(arc welding technology)
Evaluates the travel angle (tangent direction) deviation from its reference value.
Angle ranges from good to invalid.
Only available when the process angle deviation criteria has been replaced by separated work and tool angle criteria.
Work angle deviation
(arc welding technology)
Evaluates the work angle (bi-tangent direction) deviation from its reference value.
Angle ranges from good to invalid.
Only available when the process angle deviation criteria has been replaced by separated work and tool angle criteria.
Axis limit proximity
Evaluates the proximity to the limits of the axis of the inverse kinematic chain of the (manufacturing) resource.
Separated evaluation value range for linear and circular joint axis.
Linear distance or angular ranges from good to invalid.
Required to ensure that small differences between the computed and real axis positions do not lead to possible failure (limit reached) or other axis issues of the resource.
Axis speed
Evaluates the axis speed of all driven axis as a (absolute) difference between the start and the end motion between positions.
Percentage ranges from good to invalid.