Tangent rotation
Varies the toolpath position while rotating it around its tangent direction.
Step size
Rotation value in each iteration step.
Switch to include it in the optimization process.
Bi-tangent rotation
Varies the toolpath position while rotating it around its bi-tangent direction.
Step size
Rotation value in each iteration step.
Switch to include it in the optimization process.
Singularity orientation
Evaluates singularity situations of the robot or machine.
In case of a robot scenario, the singularity orientation means the rotation of the toolpath position around its normal axis.
Step size
Rotation value in each iteration step.
Deviation cone
Axis with values within the specified cone angle are being optimized.
Switch to include it in the optimization process.
Normal rotation
(arc welding technology)
Varies the toolpath position while rotating it around its normal direction.
Step size
Rotation value in each iteration step.
Switch to include it in the optimization process.