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A translator is a post processor which translates a standard OLP (Offline programming) infrastructure into robot/machine code and vice verse. We distinguish between three diverse types of post processing:


PageParagraph_8  Download

PageParagraph_8  Upload

PageParagraph_8  Merge


A download converts the standard infrastructure into a robot or machine specific program. In general this program can be loaded into the machine controller and be executed. However, there are situations where an additional controller function needs to be added so that the readable program can be translated into an executable program (e.g., Fanuc robot controller).


When performing an upload, the path is the opposite of the download. This means that the finished programs must be available in a readable file to be loaded back into the OLP infrastructure. Because the information and structures from the offline programming are missing in this finished robot/machine program, an uploaded program will normally look different from a program that is generated in the OLP. With the upload a new program is created.


A merge is somehow equal to an upload of the robot/machine program. The difference lies in the fact that during the merge, provided that certain rules are observed, an attempt is made to detect the changes of the native robot/machine program in comparison to the OLP program and to transfer these changes to the OLP infrastructure. Such a merge is only implemented in specific project situations.

Translators in FASTSUITE Edition 2

A translator as a product of FASTSUITE Edition 2 covers download and optionally also upload. Merge functionality is not covered by the translator product and can be implemented as a service project.

With more than 35 years of experience in post processing, we can support all post processor types of robots or machines. We have different approaches to transistors. On the one hand, there is FASTPOST, one of our oldest products. Its main function is to download and create machine code, even of complex and custom specific kinematics. Custom Definition was developed to download and upload robot programs, but also supports the upload of machine code. There is a broad base of supporting manufacturers.

With R2024.1 we have implemented a new interface with direct access to the OLP infrastructure via Python. This implementation allows easy and quick customization by anyone who has basic knowledge of Python and FASTSUITE Edition 2. The OLP infrastructure access through Python is currently restricted to download only but will be enhanced in future to also support upload.

This tutorial covers exclusively the Python based downloaders.


The implementation of the translators is based on two major components:


PageParagraph_8  Prepared toolpath list: the OLP infrastructure parsed into logical sorted and easy to understand objects.

PageParagraph_8  Translator: a base, vendor, technology or customer specific realization.



The prepared toolpath list is passed to the translator in the and the basic implementation of the translator is in the Both files are delivered with the Installation of the software as from release R2024.1. These files can be found in the path \Lib\site-packages\cenpydownload.

The basic implementation of the downloader does not create any program code or a file and only serves as a basis of which functions can be used.

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