The Yaskawa arc welding downloader is derived from Yaskawa downloader.
Both the Yaskawa and the Yaskawa arc welding translator are delivered with the FASTSUITE Edition 2 installation.
The YaskawaArcWelding downloader complements the YaskawaVendor Downloader with a technology-specific implementation. In addition to arc on/off, measurement methods such as touch sensing are also supported. Below an overview about the supported functions of the YaskawaArc Welding Python Downloader:
Base arc commands like arc on/off
Touch sensing in base frame direction
Touch sensing in surface direction
Touch sensing with wire
Wire check for touch with wire
Touch sensing with nozzle
Seam search laser (Accufast)
Seam finding
Seam tracking
Robot team/synchronized multiple robot motions*
* Already partly supported within the base downloader.
Arc on & arc off
In addition to the welding program number, the weaving of the welding gun can also be switched on as an option. During the computation, the operating attributes are transferred to the event (see event sheet field at the first welding point).
During the post-processing, the event attributes are then translated to robot language.
The arc on & arc off events are managed in the HandleEvent() function.
Depending on the selected power source and torch type, the downloader will decide,
For a Yaskawa Power Source, the function generates a command that integrates the welding action with the program number, applicable for any torch type.
Yaskawa Power Source: Appends a command that either continues or initiates the arc, incorporating the current program number, suitable for Yaskawa equipment.
Fronius Power Source: Adjusts the command based on the torch type:
MIG/MAG Torch: Adds a sequence designed for MIG/MAG welding along with the arc command.
TIG Torch: Generates a TIG-specific command sequence and includes the arc command with an additional WELD2 indication.
In cases where the power source is not recognized, it records an error message indicating the issue.
When crater filling is enabled (CraterFill is True), it schedules a timer for the crater fill delay, indicating when to start the fill process.
Power Source-Specific Arc-Off command:
For a Yaskawa Power Source, it appends an ARCOF command with the current program number, catering specifically to Yaskawa's control protocol.
For a Fronius Power Source, the command varies based on the torch type:
MIG/MAG Torch: A straightforward ARCOF command is added.
TIG Torch: An ARCOF command followed by WELD2 is appended, indicating a TIG-specific arc-off process.
If the power source is unrecognized, it flags an error indicating an unknown power source.
If weaving was actived, a command to turn off weaving is included.
Touch sensing
Touch sensing is a tactile method for calibration of a weld seam. The Yaskawa robot moves from a starting position to the nominal collision point. When the wire makes physical contact with the part, the robot holds and determines the offset to the nominal collision position.
There are two methods to define the touch sensing motion.
The Yaskawa standard touch sensing is supporting both of this methods.
Touch cycle output
The touch sensing cycle consists of a reference point and cycle points. The reference point is used here only as a "holder" for the cycle points (normally the point directly on the surface.). The touch sensing cycle points are created and marked by an event. This event is automatically placed in the background on the reference point. The TouchSensingEvent is managed in the HandleEvent() function.
For the Yaskawa touch sensing event, only the start approach point, the collision point and the start retract point have been implemented.
Register offset for position data
The offset of each connected touch sensing sequence is stored in a position register. The position register number is the same as the Touch connect ID number from the programmed situation. The start of the numbering can be set using the Pos. register start attribute.
During computing, the Touch connect ID is automatically incremented and written to the touch operation. The information on the touch operation is transferred to various places in the robot program.
The ConnectTouchProcessPoints event establishes the connection between the touch sensing operation and the weld. The events are automatically applied to the appropriate toolpath elements according to the connection type setting and are tagged with the appropriate Touch connect ID.
This event is then translated into robot code by the compiler before the welding seam begins. The ConnectTouchProcessPoints event is managed in the HandleEvent() function.
Constants & settings for additional customizing
Touch sensing signals
Currently, settings allow for two rapid ports to be configured: the touch port, designated for touch sense operations, and the laser port, assigned for Accufast operations. When employing the Sesamsearch work method, the laser port is activated for output.