The object of the CENPyOlpEvent_PEOperator class is passed to the PostProcessAttributes callback as a parameter.
It can be used to obtain the required operators within the scope of the PostProcessAttributes callback in the script file, located in the folder of the plugin.
def PostProcessAttributes(eventPeOperator):
attribGetter = eventPeOperator.GetAttribGetter()
attribSetter = eventPeOperator.GetAttribSetter()
logOperator = eventPeOperator.GetLoggerOperator()
pos = eventPeOperator.GetRefToolpathElementPosition()
GetCurrentToolFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentToolframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameIndex = eventPeOperator.GetCurrentToolFrameIndex()
GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentBaseframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameIndex = eventPeOperator.GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex()
Returns the matrix of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentToolframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameMatrix = eventPeOperator.GetCurrentToolFrameMatrix()
Returns the matrix of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentBaseframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameMatrix = eventPeOperator.GetCurrentBaseFrameMatrix()
IsEventCreatedAutomatically(): bool
True if the Event was created by a rule or by another Event, False if inserted manually.
Get if the reference event was created by a rule, another event, or inserted manually.
logging.LogInfo(f"Current event was created automatically = {eventPeOperator.IsEventCreatedAutomatically()}.")
This method returns the parent controller.
controller = operator.GetController()