Returns the name of the operation.
operations = program.GetOperations()
for olpOperation in operations:
operationName = olpOperation.GetName()
Sets the new name of the operation.
program = Operator.GetActiveProgram()
opGroups = program.GetOperationGroups()
for opGroupCounter, opGroup in enumerate(opGroups, 1):
for opCounter, operation in enumerate(opGroup.GetOperations(), 1):
OverrideAttribute(string: name)
Name of the attribute to override
Overrides an attribute with the given name.
GetProcessGeometryIdentifier(): string
Returns the UUID of the process geometry of the current operation.
uuid = olpOperation.GetProcessGeometryIdentifier()
Returns all toolpath elements of the operation.
tpes = olpOperation.GetTpElements()
GetTpElementsWithEvent(string: eventName): list
Returns all toolpath elements of the operation with given event name.
tpes = olpOperation.GetTpElementsWithEvent("EventName")
Returns the CENPyOlpAttribGetter operator.
attribGetter = olpOperation.GetAttribGetter()
Returns the CENPyOlpAttribSetter operator.
attribSetter = olpOperation.GetAttribSetter()
Get all toolpath tracks of the operation.
tracks = olpOperation.GetTracks()