The callback PostInitManufacturingGeometry(CENPyOlpTech_MfGeoInitOperator) is called just after the kernel initializes the manufacturing geometry.
It can be used to:
- get attribute values
- set attribute values
- output to the log
The callback is defined in the file that is located in the scripts folder of the plugin.

def PostInitManufacturingGeometry(TechMfGeoInitOperator):
currentProcessGeometryOperator = TechMfGeoInitOperator.GetCurrentProcessGeometryOperator()
regshapeCenterMatrix = currentProcessGeometryOperator.GetRegshapeCenter()
myPointPosition = regshapeCenterMatrix.GetPosition()
myPointX = myPointPosition.GetX()
logOperator.LogDebug('myPointX: ' + str(myPointX))
myPointY = myPointPosition.GetY()
myPointZ = myPointPosition.GetZ()
