The callback PostProcessOperationGroupAttributes(CENPyOlpTech_POGAttribOperator) is called just before an operation group is computed.
It can be used to:
- get operation group attribute values
- set operation group attribute values
- access csv files
- output to the log
The callback is defined in the file that is located in the scripts folder of the plugin.

def PostProcessOperationGroupAttributes(poga):
# Get values from attributes
attribGetter = poga.GetAttribGetter()
valOfMyIntAttrib = attribGetter.GetInteger('MyIntAttribute')
valOfMyDoubleAttrib = attribGetter.GetDouble('MyDoubleAttribute')
valOfMyStrAttrib = attribGetter.GetString('MyStringAttribute')
valOfMyBoolAttrib = attribGetter.GetBool('MyBoolAttribute')
indexOfMyEnumAttrib = attribGetter.GetEnumIndex('MyEnumAttribute')
# Set values to the attributes
attribSetter = poga.GetAttribSetter()
attribSetter.SetInteger('MyIntAttribute', 15)
attribSetter.SetDouble('MyDoubleAttribute', 15.8)
attribSetter.SetString('MyStringAttribute', 'This is new string')
attribSetter.SetBool('MyBoolAttribute', False)
attribSetter.SetEnumIndex('MyEnumAttribute', 4)
# Output attribute value to the log
logOperator = techAttribInitOperator.GetLoggerOperator()
logOperator.LogDebug('indexOfMyEnumAttrib = ' + str(indexOfMyEnumAttrib))
