Verify that the logic out-ports names are empty.
Verify that the logic in-ports names are empty.
Grab the electrical adapter of the gripper and drag it to the electrical adapter of the controller. After releasing it there, the electrical connection has been created.
It is recommended to always build the electrical connections via this way, before snapping possible mechanical connections.
The different signal ports of the gripper and controller are automatically connected. The peripheral ports are mapped to the first available free ports of the controller.
Grab the gripper and snap it on the mount plate of the robot to build a mechanical connection betweem them.
Verify that the logic out-ports are not only connected to the gripper with its clamps, but also to the robot tool adapter; the signal that the gripper is mounted to the robot.
To improve the signal connection graphics, just pick it in the dashboard. Picking it at its end point will show the connection start and end direction. One can grab that to modify the curvature of the connection symbol.
Verify that the joint ports are connected to the robot and that the port names match with the robot joint names.
A Group index number of 0 is not a valid number. Change it to a value 1 by entering the value in the field. The value refers to the first connected robot.