Python scripting PDF reports - General call

AutoExecute Call

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Location of the script

The script can be created for a specific technology and stored in the technology folder of the plugin, or it can be made available for all technologies by storing it in the TechnologyCommon folder of the plugin.

It has to be stored in the path \ Standard\AuxiliaryCommands\AutoExecute.


The script file has to be named, to be able to execute it automatically at each download operation.




The script should contain, besides some general settings, a method called ModifyActiveProgram.


From this method the report creation can be called.


First initialize a member of the ReportUtility (pdf = ReportUtility()) which gives you access to the methods of the class.


Now the command can be performed:

  pdf.createAuxCommandsPDFReport(Operator, "")


The report is created with its default settings. The user will be asked, where the report file should be stored.



Report file location

The report file will be stored in the program’s download folder, along with the other download files.

If the folder needs to be changed, this has to be customized by inheriting the createAutoExecutePDFReport() method to the script.



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