Python scripting for PDF reports

NLS Translation

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Preliminary note

For translating the report Items there are translation files for each provided language (English, French, Chinese, Japanese and German).

The text items of the report are translated by NLS files (*.lng)

These are plain text files and can be edited with regular text editors, like Notepad++.


Just define the internal name of the desired item and add the desired translation after the equal sign (beware that the item name is not already existing)




To get the desired item in the Python script, use the getNLS(…) method from the NLS-Class

The parameters are: the (exact) name of the item and (optional) a default string, for when the item cannot be found.



By default the language files are located in the installation path …\Lib\site-packages\cenpylib\languages.



In case of customization, the complete languages folder can be copied to a desired path, which is given with the create command. Otherwise the report takes the default files.




Customer related settings and translation can be done there. Only the desired language file needs to be edited.

Following listed settings are supported to adjust the report. If the item doesn't exist, the defaults form the script will be taken

Report items

Below the list of available report items is shown.






Note : if there are two hashes ## in the costs item, they will replaced by the currency Sign, e.g. Costs [€]


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