CENPyOlpVector(x: float, y: float, z: float)
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Create new vector object
Note that object will be deleted automatically by python at the end of current callback scope.
myNewVector = CENPyOlpVector(1, 2.22, -3.333)
SetXYZ(x: float, y: float, z: float)
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Set coordinates.
myNewVector.SetXYZ(-1, 2.2, 3)
tuple (x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate) in meters
Get coordinates as tuple .
myVectorCoordinates = myNewVector.GetXYZ()
Get x coordinate.
myVectorXCoord = myNewVector.GetX()
Get y coordinate.
myVectorYCoord = myNewVector.GetY()
Get z coordinate.
myVectorZCoord = myNewVector.GetZ()
new x coordinate in meters
Set x coordinate.
new y coordinate in meters
Set y coordinate.
new z coordinate in meters
Set z coordinate.
Normalize vector.
Transform vector.
Compute angle between this and another vector.
rotAxisZ = CENPyOlpVector(0, 0, 1)
rotAxisXZ = CENPyOlpVector(1, 0, 1)
axisAngle = rotAxisZ.Angle(rotAxisXZ)
Invert vector.