The callback PostCompute(CENPyOlpEvent_EventComputeOperator) is called when the kernel computes the events.
The callback is defined in the file that is located in the scripts folder of the plugin.

def PostCompute(eco):
logOperator = eco.GetLoggerOperator()
attribGetter = eco.GetAttribGetter()
controller = eco.GetController()
actorsCount = len(actors)
for i in range(0, actorsCount):
actor = actors[i]
actorName = actor.GetName()
actorResourceName = actor.GetResourceName()
logOperator.LogDebug('actor[' + str(i) +'] actorName = '+ actorName + '; actorResourceName = ' + actorResourceName)
logOperator.LogDebug('actor[' + str(i) +'] ItemType(): = '+ str(actor.AskItemType()) + '; ItemSubType = ' + str(actor.AskItemSubType()))
sensors = controller.GetSensors(0, 0, 0)
sensorsCount = len(sensors)
for i in range(0, sensorsCount):
sensor = sensors[i]
sensorName = sensor.GetName()
sensorResourceName = sensor.GetResourceName()
logOperator.LogDebug('sensor[' + str(i) +'] sensorName = '+ sensorName + '; sensorResourceName = ' + sensorResourceName)
tp10Matrix = eco.GetInitialPathMatrixByLength(10)
myTpElement = eco.GetRefTpElement()
eventOperator = eco.GetEventOperator()
se = eventOperator.AddSpeed(myTpElement, TPINSERTPOS_INSERTBEFORE)
eco.SkipPath(0.1, False)
refTpElement = eco.GetRefTpElement()
obj = eventOperator.AddEvent("69B94E6B-03D7-48FF-A62A-BE9CE3C142C8", refTpElement, TPINSERTPOS_INSERTAFTER)
index = obj.GetEnumIndex("EEnumAttribute")
obj.SetEnumIndex("EEnumAttribute", 1)
eventOperator.AddActorEvent(myTpElement, actors[0], TPINSERTPOS_INSERTAFTER)
tpMat = tp10Matrix
tpMatPos = eco.GetRefToolpathElementPosition()
pos = tpMat.GetPosition()
posP = tpMatPos.GetPosition()
logOperator.LogInfo('pos1 = tpMat.GetPosition() = ' + str(pos.GetXYZ()))
logOperator.LogInfo('pos2 = tpMatPos.GetPosition() = ' + str(posP.GetXYZ()))
matDest = eco.CreateMatrix()
matVia = eco.CreateMatrix()
matDest.Translate(pos.GetX(), pos.GetY(), pos.GetZ() + 0.02, True)
matVia.Translate(pos.GetX(), pos.GetY() + 0.01, pos.GetZ() + 0.01, True)
pos = matDest.GetPosition()
eco.MoveCir(matDest, matVia)
