The object of the CENPyOlpEvent_EventComputeOperator class is passed to the PostCompute callback as a parameter.
It can be used to obtain the required operators within the scope of the PostCompute callback in the script file, located in the folder of the plugin.
def PostCompute(eco):
attribGetter = eco.GetAttribGetter()
logger = eco.GetLoggerOperator()
mat = eco.CreateMatrix()
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Object of CENPyOlpPoint class
point = eco.CreatePoint(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
x coordinate in meters
y coordinate in meters
z coordinate in meters
Object of CENPyOlpVector class
vector = eco.CreateVector(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
Returns the reference toolpath element of the event
refTP = eco.GetRefTpElement()
Adds a move lin element at the end
tp = eco.MoveLin(destinationMat)
Adds a circular move element at the end
tp = eco.MoveCir(destinationMat, viaMat)
Target matrix as object of CENPyOlpMatrix class
circle radius
direction of circle ([-1] = clockwise or [1] = counter clockwise)
Object of CENPyOlpTpElement class
Adds a circular move element at the end
Uses vector tangent current toolpath element and vector current toolpath element to target toolpath element for plane of circle
if vectors are co-linear use target as endpoint and middle of current to target as via point
tp = eco.MoveCir(destinationMat, 0.1, -1)
Adds a circular move element at the end
tp = eco.MoveCir(angle, radius)
start point matrix of the move circular
end point matrix of the move circ
tangent to start or end : UseTangentOf::Start, UseTangentOf::End
Object of CENPyOlpTpElement class
Adds a circular move element tangential to a matrix
tp = eco.MoveTangentCir(startMat, endMat, USETANGENTOFSTART)
Target matrix of the move. Object of CENPyOlpMatrix class
PTP toolpath element added
Adds a point to point move element at the end
tp = eco.MovePTP(destinationMat)
SkipPath(length: float, includeStartAndEnd: bool)
The lenght to be skipped
Flag determining whether or not to include start and end point
Skips the toolpath elements for a given length
eco.SkipPath(10, False)
Length of the path after which the element should appear. Units: meters.
Matrix at given length, outputs warning "CENPyOlpMatrix::CENPyOlpMatrix, argument is nullptr" if could not be calculated
Gets initial path matrix of toolpath element at given length
Remark: When at given length no toolpath element exists temporary one is created (deleted after usage immediately)
initMat = eco.GetToolpathElementByLength(0.1)
The element at given length, nullptr if there is none
Determines the base frame position of the reference element of an event.
posMat = eco.GetRefToolpathElementPosition()
GetCurrentToolFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentToolframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameIndex = eco.GetCurrentToolFrameIndex()
GetCurrentToolResourceName(): string
the resource name of the current tool
Returns the resource name of the current tool.
resourceToolName = eco.GetCurrentToolResourceName()
GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetCurrentBaseframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameIndex = eco.GetCurrentBaseFrameIndex()
Returns the matrix of the current tool frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentToolframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentToolFrameMatrix = eco.GetCurrentToolFrameMatrix()
Returns the matrix of the current base frame for a specific toolpath element, defined on the operation level
GetCurrentBaseframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
currentBaseFrameMatrix = eco.GetCurrentBaseFrameMatrix()
Returns current Controller
controller = eco.GetController()
def PostCompute(eco):
eventOperator = eco.GetEventOperator()
Object of CENPyOlpTpElement class.
Integer value to identify this toolpath element in event rules.
def PostCompute(eco):
eventOperator = eco.SetTechnologyRequestId(CENPyOlpTpElement, INT_ID)
Get position of the toolpath element.
refTpe = eco.GetRefTpElement()
olpPosition = eco.GetTpElementPosition(refTpe, POSRELATION_LOCALTPELEMENT)
Toolpath element object
Type of the position relation represented as enum PosRelation
Index of the base frame to be used for position representation. The default value is the index of an active base frame
Object of the CENPyOlpPosition class
Get position of the toolpath element.
refTpe = eco.GetRefTpElement()
olpPosition = eco.GetTpElementPosition(refTpe, POSRELATION_BASEFRAME) #Index of an active base frame used
olpPosition = eco.GetTpElementPosition(refTpe, POSRELATION_BASEFRAME, 2)
Returns a TouchSensing Operator.
Gets a Touch Sensing Operator which contains touch sensing positions.
touchSensingOperator = eco.GetTouchSensingOperator()
GetTechTabFolder(fileName: string, feedbackErrorWhenFileNotFound: bool): string
Name of the file with extension or relative path to the file
Activates feedback if no file is found. It is optional parameter and is True by default
Full path to the specified file
Gets the technology table folder path. If the relative path contains a file name with extension then it will return the path to that file.
filePath = Operator.GetTechTabFolder("WeldingAttrib.csv")
IsEventCreatedAutomatically(): bool
True if the Event was created by a rule or by another Event, False if inserted manually.
Get if the reference event was created by a rule, another event, or inserted manually.
logging.LogInfo(f"Current event was created automatically = {eco.IsEventCreatedAutomatically()}.")
ExecuteBrushEventCompute(brushNumber: int, gunNumber: int)
The number of the brush to be set.
The number of the gun for which the brush should be set. 0 means all guns.
Executes everything that needs to be done for the compute of a brush event. That is an event that sets a specific brush number to a specific gun number.
Gun number 0 means all guns.
eco.ExecuteBrushEventCompute(2, 5)
ExecuteBrushEventCompute(brushNumber: int, gunNumber: int, exactStop: bool, triggerRelatedToStart: bool, triggerTime: double, triggerDistance: double)
The number of the brush to be set.
The number of the gun for which the brush should be set. 0 means all guns.
Exact stop on event. Default = true.
Trigger delta related to start(true) or end point(false). Default = true.
Trigger time.
Trigger distance.
Executes everything that needs to be done for the compute of a brush event. That is an event that sets a specific brush number to a specific gun number.
Gun number 0 means all guns.
eco.ExecuteBrushEventCompute(2, 5, false, true, 0.0, 30.0)
ExecuteGunEventCompute(gunState: bool, gunNumber: int)
Whether to turn the gun on or off.
The number of the gun to be turned on or off. 0 means all guns.
Executes everything that needs to be done for the compute of a gun event. That is an event that turns a specific gun number on or off.
Gun number 0 means all guns.
eco.ExecuteGunEventCompute(true, 4)
ExecuteGunEventCompute(gunState: bool, gunNumber: int, exactStop: bool, triggerRelatedToStart: bool, triggerTime: double, triggerDistance: double)
Whether to turn the gun on or off.
The number of the gun to be turned on or off. 0 means all guns.
Exact stop on event. Default = true.
Trigger delta related to start(true) or end point(false). Default = true.
Trigger time.
Trigger distance.
Executes everything that needs to be done for the compute of a gun event. That is an event that turns a specific gun number on or off.
Gun number 0 means all guns.
eco.ExecuteGunEventCompute(true, 4, false, false, 5.0, 0.0)