Returns the controller name.
name = olpController.GetName()
Returns the controller type as unsigned integer.
type = olpController.GetControllerType()
GetManufacturer(): string
the controller manufacturer
Returns the controller manufacturer.
manufacturer = olpController.GetManufacturer()
Returns the controller series.
series = olpController.GetSeries()
Returns the controller model.
model = olpController.GetModel()
Specifies the item types to be returned
Specifies the item sub type to be returned
Specifies the actor type to be returned
list of CENPyOlpActor objects. Output of all specified actors in this controller
Returns the attached actors of specified type.
controller = eco.GetController()
actorsCount = len(actors)
for i in range(0, actorsCount):
actor = actors[i]
actorName = actor.GetName()
actorResourceName = actor.GetResourceName()
logOperator.LogDebug('actor[' + str(i) +'] actorName = '+ actorName + '; actorResourceName = ' + actorResourceName)
logOperator.LogDebug('actor[' + str(i) +'] ItemType(): = '+ str(actor.AskItemType()) + '; ItemSubType = ' + str(actor.AskItemSubType()))
Specifies the item types to be returned
Specifies the item sub type to be returned, If equal to ItemSubType::SUBITEM_NONE no filtering is done by item subtype
Specifies the sensor type to be returned, If equal to FSSensorType::None, no filtering is done by sensor type
list of CENPyOlpSensor objects. Output of all specified sensors which respect the given filters
Gets all sensors of which are on a controlled item.
sensors = controller.GetSensors(0, 0, 0)
GetSignalNumber (signalName: string): int
signal name
The signal number of the found signal
Searches for the first signal with the given name, found on a controller signal connection for this controller,
and returns its signal number.
signalA_Num = olpController.GetSignalNumber('signalA')
current name of the controller
Returns the controller unique id.
cID = olpController.GetUuId()
GetActiveToolFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the active tool frame defined in the unit setup, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetActiveToolframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
activeToolFrameIndex = olpController.GetActiveToolFrameIndex()
GetActiveBaseFrameIndex(): int
Returns the index of the active base frame defined in the unit setup, or -1 if active tool is not set
GetActiveBaseframeIndex() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
activeBaseFrameIndex = olpController.GetActiveBaseFrameIndex()
Returns the matrix of the active tool frame defined in the unit setup
GetActiveToolframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
activeToolFrameMatrix = olpController.GetActiveToolFrameMatrix()
Returns the matrix of the active base frame defined in the unit setup
GetActiveBaseframeMatrix() with lowercase "frame" can also be used.
activeBaseFrameMatrix = olpController.GetActiveBaseFrameMatrix()
GetActiveToolFrameName(): string
the name of the active tool frame
Returns the name of the active tool frame.
toolFrameName = olpController.GetActiveToolFrameName()
GetActiveToolResourceName(): string
the resource name of the active tool
Returns the resource name of the active tool.
resourceName = olpController.GetActiveToolResourceName()
Specifies the item type to be returned. If equal to ItemType::ITEM_NONE no filtering is done by item type
Specifies the item sub type to be returned. If equal to ItemSubType::SUBITEM_NONE no filtering is done by item subtype
list of CENPyOlpResource objects. Output of all specified resources which respect the given filters
Gets all resources that are controlled by this controller.
resources = controller.GetResources(1, 0)
GetMainResourcesMaxTCPFeedrate(): double
returns the maximum TCP Feedrate Value of the Main Resource
Gets the maximum TCP Feedrate Value of the Main Resource.
maxspd = Operator.GetController().GetMainResourcesMaxTCPFeedrate()
IsTeamController(): bool
True if the team controller is selected
Returns whether the controller is a team controller.
controller = Operator.GetController()
logging.LogInfo("Is Team controller: " + str(controller.IsTeamController()))
Returns the Team controller to which the current controller is connected. If there is no Team controller, the return value will be None.
controller = Operator.GetController()
if controller.IsTeamController() is False:
teamController = controller.GetTeamController()
logging.LogInfo("Team controller name: " + str(teamController.GetName()))
Gets all controllers connected to the current controller.
controller = Operator.GetController()
connectedControllers = controller.GetControllers()
for connectedController in connectedControllers:
logging.LogInfo("Connected controller name: " + str(connectedController.GetName()))
GetProgramNames(): list
Gets a list of program names on this controller.
olpController = Operator.GetController()
allProgramNames = olpController.GetProgramNames()
for prgName in allProgramNames:
if prgName == "PRG001":
allTpes = CENPyOlpProgramModifyOperator.GetProgramTpElementsByName(prgName)
Logic port name to search for
Found Olp port
Returns the first logic port found on the current controller with the given name.
olpPort = olpController.GetLogicPortByName("TestOutputBool")
Gets a user-defined attribute object by the given name.
attribObject = olpController.GetAttributeByName("AttributeName")
Gets the Integer attribute object by the given name.
attribObject = olpController.GetAttributeIntegerByName("AttributeName")
Gets the Float attribute object by the given name.
attribObject = olpController.GetAttributeFloatByName("AttributeName")
Gets the String attribute object by the given name.
attribObject = olpController.GetAttributeStringByName("AttributeName")
Gets the Bool attribute object by the given name.
attribObject = olpController.GetAttributeBoolByName("AttributeName")
GetOutputDirectory(): string
Returns the download output directory of the program. First gets the root download directory of an active program, and if it is empty, gets the output directory from the translator.
outputDirectoryPath = olpController.GetOutputDirectory()
CreateProgram(name: string, startStateName: string, isMain: bool): CENPyOlpProgram
Name of the program to create. Optional. If not set, the default naming rule is applied.
Name of the start state to be used or to be created. Optional. In not set the default start state is used.
If true, a Main program will be created, otherwise a sub-program. Optional. If not set, the default value is used. Default value: True.
CENPyOlpProgram object
Creates a new controller program and sets it active.
firstProgram = controller.CreateProgram()
secondProgram = controller.CreateProgram("NewProgram")
thirdProgram = controller.CreateProgram("NewProgram", "StartState_NewProgram_1")
fourthProgram = controller.CreateProgram("NewProgram", "StartState_NewProgram_2", False)
GetLastGeneratedFilePathsFromDownload(): list
list of strings with absolute paths to the last generated files. It is empty if the download is not done yet.
Gets the absolute file paths generated during the last download.
downloadPaths = olpController.GetLastGeneratedFilePathsFromDownload()
GetLastSelectedFilePathsFromUpload(): list
list of strings with absolute paths to the last selected files. It is empty if the upload is not done yet.
Gets the absolute file paths selected during the last upload.
uploadPaths = olpController.GetLastSelectedFilePathsFromUpload()
Name of the program to find and download, if it exists.
ERRDOWNLOAD_NOERROR if completed successful, error code otherwise
Downloads the program specified by its name from the current controller.
from centypes import *
from cenpylib import *
def ModifyActiveProgram(Operator: CENPyOlpProgramModifyOperator):
logging = Operator.GetLoggerOperator()
programNameToDownload = "PRG001"
teamController = Operator.GetController().GetTeamController()
for counter, controller in enumerate(teamController.GetControllers(), 1):
controllerName = controller.GetName()
logging.LogInfo(f"Controller <{counter}> name: {controllerName}")
error = controller.DownloadProgramByName(programNameToDownload)
logging.LogInfo(f"Program named {programNameToDownload} was successfully downloaded from the controller {controllerName}.")
logging.LogError(f"Failed to download program {programNameToDownload} from the controller {controllerName}. Error code: {error}.")