Python scripting in FASTSUITE Edition 2

Controller and technology plugins

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A plugin is a collection of files which contents build the customer specific working environment for the user when running the different FASTSUITE Edition 2 applications. All these definition files are located in a predefined folder structure and everything is combined in one main plugin folder, that is searched for and read at application startup.

With the software delivery FASTSUITE Edition 2 has one complete plugin implemented, called internal plugin, located at the installation directory. This plugin includes all required base definitions with default values to run the application properly. Customers can create their own plugin(s), called external plugin, with their required definitions and / or different default values for their working environment. Customer plugins can be located anywhere on their system (local and network drives) to which the application and user has access. The folder and file structure and naming of a customer plugin has to be the same as the original internal plugin, otherwise it will not work as such.

A plugin contains the standards and defaults for:


PageParagraph_8  Import of process geometry

PageParagraph_8  Controller connectors

PageParagraph_8  Manufacturing technologies

PageParagraph_8  Controller packages

PageParagraph_8  Translators


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