In this chapter, the fundamental steps to program a cutting operation will be taught.
The basic steps are made to generate the cutting path on the different contours. The results will be simulated.
Be sure to save your changes frequently.
Switch to the Offline Programming workbench.
If needed, open the project.
Open the File menu and pick the Open command to load the previously saved project. If the project appears in the list of recently opened documents, then select it there. Otherwise, press the File browser button to open a file explorer and search for the project.
The first command that automatically opens in the OLP workbench is the Select controller unit. Here you can select the controller for which the cutting programs are going to be created. The selected controller and its connected manufacturing resources are highlighted.
Obviously, when the project, i.e. the workcell has only one controller, nothing needs to be done here.
Verify the project setup. The tool frame should be located at the focal point of the laser beam. The base frame represents the origin of your new program. A new base frame will be created on the fixture hole. That base frame then will be set active as reference for the program.
Teach a home position
For the purpose of this course each modification made to a cutting path position needs to be confirmed.
Verify the Settings for offline programming. Check that the option Apply toolpath modification has been set to Manual.
Program a first position with the Start teach command on the machine.
Change to Events and tech to modify the inserted position. Use the manipulator to change the position. Confirm the modified position with the Apply changes command.
Program a cutting operation
Execute the Generate process geometry command and verify that the process geometry definition dashboard is being displayed. If not, then you can show it by right clicking on the empty 3D space and selecting the Open definition panel command.
Set the contour Search to close option and select the contour edge. The system will search for a closed contour. Accept the proposed contour and Accept again the generate the cutting operation.
Accepting can also be done by pressing the Enter-key.
Use the Display filter to enhance the view.
The generated toolpath can be modified, i.e. the start position or motion direction.
Navigate along the cutting path
Change to Events and teach. This micro environment allows you to navigate, modify and optimize individual cutting path positions.
Pick any of the path elements to make the laser head jump to it. When two path elements are too close together a selector will appear to pick the desired one.
Switch on the Collision analysis during simulation and simulate the program (partially) to get a first impression.
Open the Teach panel. Click on the middle arrows to navigate along the path back and forward. Click the outer arrows to step to the beginning or end of the operation group.