A dashboard commands open a window with just only information or with editable attributes and parameters. The window has some special graphical properties.
Editable content
Dashboard state
Editable content
The editable content of the dashboard is divided in several containers, clustering all kinds of parameters and attributes. Each container is represented by a title block. This block can be opened or closed by simply clicking on it.
When the command is started, the dashboard window by default is placed directly near the command icon. It is docked to the icon. Grabbing the window in its title bar (pressing the left mouse button) enables to drag it to any desired position on screen. Thus, even when multiple monitors are in use, the dashboard can be dragged to another screen.
After the dashboard has been undocked, the window is locked. The symbol in the title bar changes to to indicate its locked state. The effect of this state is that at any time the dashboard command is started new, the widow opens at the last position on screen, instead of its default position aside the command icon.
The window can be docked again, when necessary. Clicking the lock symbol in the title bar will move back the dashboard to its default position. The symbol changes to indicate the undocked state . Alternatively the dashboard command icon itself will also dock the window when pressed again while the command is open.
When the dashboard command is undocked, the dashboard command remains open, even when another command will be started or executed. Closing the dashboard window with the symbol in the title bar will close the command as well.
When the dashboard window is undocked it becomes more of a regular window. It can be re-sized to user's comfort. Some both in width and height, others only in height. But the window always does have a minimum size that cannot be exceeded.
At the right bottom corner of the resizable window there is a symbol visible. Dragging that symbol will enlarge or reduce the window size.
The window size can be maximized to screen with the button. And the button resets the window back to its previous size.
When the content of the window cannot be displayed completely anymore after resizing, a scroll bar at the right side and bottom appears automatically.
Docked dashboard windows never can be re-sized, they will have a system predefined, fixed dimension.
Dashboard state
For each command that opens a dashboard the state of the dashboard is kept in a settings file. The state is a collection of the dashboard appearance while being active. It contains information about whether is was docked or not, its location on screen, its size, which tabs were open, etc. It makes sure that while running an Edition 2 session each dashboards re-opens in the last remembered state after closing it.